Thursday, October 18, 2018

A letter from Eleanor

This week, we received a letter from Eleanor begging her eyebrows to come back but it was incomplete. Luckily Vincent managed to finish the letter using fronted adverbials and conjunctions.

Dear Eyebrows,

With desperation, I am writing to you both because I realise that I have made a terrible mistake. Every night, I have been tossing and turning because I have been feeling so incredibly lonely without you gently resting on my face. After you read this, I hope you will come back to me. I beg you!

Everywhere I look, I see wonderful unique and interesting eyebrows. On a daily basis, I am struggling to express my emotions.

Again and again, people run away from me because they see the empty space above my eyes.

Annoyingly, at dinner I can’t show disgust therefore my mum piles broccoli on my plate.

At school, people make fun of me as a result I run and hide.

Finally, all that is left to say is that I love you, I miss you and I want you to come home.
Lovingly, Eleanor xxxxx

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